Wednesday, May 6, 2020

History of Marketing - 1071 Words

The History Of Marketing As of today, we understand marketing to be a process where the goal is to know the needs of the costumer, and match these with the organizations ability to fulfill these expectations. For this to happen successfully, it is important that the organizations understands both who the costumer is, what value the costumer requires, as well as how to deliver this value in the best possible way. Had it not been for the history of marketing as we know it, our view on modern marketing might have been very different. Whether the difference would have made a positive or negative impact is hard to know, but one thing is certain. The history of marketing is important to understand in order to learn about marketing itself.†¦show more content†¦The interest of marketing therefore grew, as well as the need for advertisement. During the 1960s, computer technology contributed to pushing this growth. This also led to the consumer behavior changing. In the 1970s, both the macromarketing school and the strategic planning school would be big influences on the marketing development. The macromarketing school for instance, studied the impact of marketing practices on society and society on marketing, whereas the strategic planning school explored the relationship between environmental change and change within the organization. Egan (2008:p11) In the 1990s the attitude around business changed in the US and the UK. Short term profits and their impact on the share price put marketers on the defensive from which many would suggest they have not emerged. Egan (2008:p13). During the last twenty years of the 1900s, relationship marketing, a marketing strategy in which developing a relationship with the consumer over a longer period of time is the priority, became a central part of marketing, at the same time as it was a central topic for discussion in business management. Relationship marketing had a rapid growth was becoming a global concept, and a final product made from the influence of previous theories of marketing. This means, that during 40 years of development, marketing had evolved from consumer marketing, in theShow MoreRelatedThe History Of Marketing : Marketing1783 Words   |  8 PagesThe History of Marketing Marketing appeared with the first human beings, a good example for that Eve’s trial to convince Adam to eat the forbidden apple (Kotler marketing Group, 2015). Since ancient times, people were meeting together at a specific time in a specific market which was known by everyone to complete the bartering process where they exchange the agriculture and craft products, they were producing. 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